Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle: l’auto che legge il pensiero

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of drivingNissan Brain-to-Vehicle technology redefines future of driving

Credits: YOKOHAMA, Japan (Jan. 3, 2017) – Nissan unveiled research today that will enable vehicles to interpret signals from the driver’s brain, redefining how people interact with their cars. The company’s Brain-to-Vehicle, or B2V, technology promises to speed up reaction times for drivers and will lead to cars that keep adapting to make driving more enjoyable.


L’orizzonte verso cui si proietta il futuro dell’auto è la guida autonoma. A questo proposito si parla di comunicazione veicolo-a-veicolo (V2V) e veicolo-a-infrastruttura (V2I) come tecnologie di base per realizzare il sogno dell’auto che si guida da sola.

Nissan però va un passo oltre e, in occasione del CES di Las Vegas, presenterà un’inedita tecnologia denominata Brain-to-Veichle (B2V), attraverso cui l’auto sarà in grado di leggere il pensiero del guidatore. Fantascienza? No, si tratta di una tecnologia reale, già installata su un prototipo che vedremo alla kermesse statunitense.

Il sistema si basa sulla lettura dei segnali che emette il cervello durante la guida. Questi vengono ‘mappati’ e abbinati ai movimenti del guidatore, come la sterzata e la frenata ad esempio. In questo modo il sistema può anticipare il pilota leggendo direttamente dalla sua mente i movimenti che si accinge a fare e lo anticipa attivando i sistemi di assistenza per rendere la manovra più efficace e precisa.

Il risultato è una velocità di manovra più rapida quantificabile tra i due e i cinque decimi di secondo. Abbastanza per evitare eventuali incidenti. Il sistema Brain-to-Veichle di Nissan è inoltre in grado di apprendere le abitudini e lo stile di guida del guidatore, diventando così sempre più efficace nell’assistenza.

Daniele Schillaci, Vicepresidente di Nissan ha commentato:

“Quando la maggior parte della gente pensa nella guida autonoma, ha una visione molto impersonale del futuro in cui gli esseri umani rinunceranno al controllo a favore della macchina. B2V fa esattamente l’opposto, usando i segnali del cervello del guidatore renderà la guida ancora più emozionante”.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle: l’auto che legge il pensiero

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L’articolo Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle: l’auto che legge il pensiero proviene da Panoramauto.


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